Weld Fixture Tooling Executives Travel 1,166 Miles in Six Days to Meet Long-distance Customers.

The President and Founder of Rentapen Inc., a small machine design and build services company and manufacturer of weld fixture tooling components, drove from Alabama to Michigan gathering feedback from Customers.

On April 26, 2013 Founder, George Straley and President, Susan Straley arrived in Waukesha, Wisconsin after traveling 1,166 miles in 6 days.  The husband and wife duo traveled from Florida to Wisconsin making five stops along the way.  They met with machine tooling design and build customers, a robot and automation systems company, a furniture manufacturer, and a manufacturer of forklifts.

Sue and George Straley - Owners of Rentapen Inc.

“Everyone was very friendly and gave us tours of their factories.  Most all of them reported being very busy, which is great for us,” Susan Straley said.  “I loved hearing how they are so glad they found us and like working with our team.”

One customer announced they were sending Rentapen 35 more fixtures to quote.

George Straley started Rentapen Inc. in 1976 and has been designing machines since.  In the 1980’s the Straley’s moved their business to Waukesha, Wisconsin, and became a provider of 2D Computer Aided Drafting (CAD).  They soon started designing in Pro/E 3D solid modeling and quickly became the experts.  They have helped several customers set up Pro/Engineer for Machine Design, automating the bills of materials.  Soon after that the introduced a major cost saving product in weld fixture design with their own line of RAPid Tooling Components™.  In the beginning of producing their product, George and Susan packed RAPid Shims™ from their dining room table.

“Each time we train someone to sand, oil, count, and pack our precision metal shims.  I tell them about the hours that our family spent counting and packing shims at our kitchen table in 2002,” said Susan Straley.

Rentapen Inc. provides 3D design and build of weld and assembly fixtures.  Though Rentapen provides machine design engineering services to manufacturers, Rentapen also is a manufacturer.  Producing their line of RAPid Tooling Components™ that are used on weld and assembly fixtures located on production floors throughout the United States.  The line consists of Blocks, Plates, Clamp Risers and Shims.

Rentapen’s RAPid Blocks™, RAPid Plates™, Clamp Risers and Shims precisely hold a company’s product in their Weld Fixture while it is being manually or robotically assembled or welded.  Rentapen Inc specializes in weld fixtures for manufacturers.  When a company is tooling up their factory to produce their new product and the product contains items that need to be welded together, that company will call Rentapen to design and build a machine tool that they can use to improve efficiency on the production floor.

“We were able to see the fixtures we designed and built being used in the Robotic Weld Cells,” said George Straley.  “We listen in these meetings for areas we can improve or problems that we can solve.”

Rapid Tooling Components™ reduce the design cost of the fixture by eliminating the need to design, detail and check similar parts over and over again. Three dimensional computer models are provided by Rentapen Inc. that customers can use to incorporate into their designs.  These modular components are the new standard in weld jig and assembly fixture design.

Rentapen Inc., is the weld fixture specialist, and is home of RAPid Tooling Components. Rentapen Inc. has been providing machine tool design services to manufactures since 1976.  A Certified Woman Owned Business and owns RAPid Tooling Components™. For more information about Rentapen Inc., please call 262-542-8891.

 Power, Automation and Robots — Manufacturing from Alabama to Michigan

Growing Weld Fixture Design and Build Company Takes Part In Efforts To Close Skills Gap In Wisconsin.

Growing Weld Fixture Design and Build Company Takes Part In Efforts To Close Skills Gap In Wisconsin.

Rentapen Inc., of Waukesha, WI, a 3D Design Service Company and Tooling Components Manufacturer participating in the efforts to lessen the manufacturing and engineering skills gap.

On March 13, 2013 Governor Scott Walker signed the bill known as “Wisconsin Fast Forward”. This bill is designed to address the skills shortage in the state’s workforce and will better link employers and job seekers.

Rentapen Inc., a Machine Tool Design Company and Manufacturer of precision metal shims is just one of several manufactures helping with the effort to get the word out that jobs in manufacturing provide job security and require extensive skills. According to manufacturers, there is a large disconnect in Wisconsin between the workforce and the number of skilled workers ready to fill positions.

According to the panel of speakers at the New Faces of Manufacturing Summit hosted by Waukesha County Business Alliance, 68% of manufacturers reported a lack of talent or skills in the manufacturing industry.  High school students and college freshman, who have not determined a major, do not think about manufacturing.  When they do think of manufacturing, they think of it is dirty and made up of people who are low income and lower skilled.

Rentapen Inc. has been a member of the Waukesha County Business Alliance for almost two years and has been affected first hand by the skills gap.  Recently, Rentapen Inc. has joined the “Dream It Do It” Marketing Action Team.  This action team is made up of individuals around South-Eastern Wisconsin, and is dedicated to lessening the skills gap.

Rentapen Inc. has found that some of the most skilled workers are graduating from technical colleges.  Rentapen has hired over 5 individuals from Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC) alone; these students have started as interns and have excelled and been retained.

PG3_9364“It’s exciting to be in manufacturing right now.  We are in a busy and growing industry.  Finding, training, and maintaining good talent is key to being competitive in the global marketplace,” said Susan Straley,  President of Rentapen.  “We are pleased to have the support of the College, and the State in helping manufacturers succeed in Wisconsin.”

The second part of the bill that Governor Walker signed creates a workforce training grant program at the Department of Workforce Development. This grant program will be used to leverage additional private dollars to help both new and current employees acquire additional job trainings skills.  The bill, coined “Wisconsin Fast Forward,” creates a website that uses real-time job data to match employers and potential workers, provides $15 million in state funds for worker training grants and creates an Office of Skills Development within the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development to help provide specific training for employers who need workers with specific skills.

Rentapen Inc. and many other manufacturing companies are struggling to find skilled workers to fill a variety of positions because the education that people are getting does not fit the skills needed in the actual working environment. Individuals are taking courses to receive a 4-year diploma but are not attaining the correct skills needed to excel in the work place.

234a658 “The problem is parents and adults are pushing students to get degrees in subjects that do not necessarily prepare them for jobs that actually exist in the market,” said Thies.  “There is a large amount of history majors, political scientists and lawyers than is needed in the workforce.  At the same time, the average high schools do not have a manufacturing class or a program designed to teach about a CNC operator. There is also need for machinists and welders; these courses are not offered or encouraged in a lot of high schools throughout the state and the nation.”


Manufacturing is one of the fastest growing industries like nursing, retail and food service. The manufacturing sector is aging. Within the next five years a new generation of workers will need to have the skills and experience to take over for the generation that is leaving. Companies are trying to deal with the hundreds of years of experience that will be walking out the door in the next five to ten years. There may not be thousands of new jobs, but there will be thousands of openings, and Wisconsin does not have the skill sets to fill in.

Rentapen Inc., is the weld fixture specialist, and is home of RAPid Tooling Components. Rentapen Inc. has been providing machine tool design services to manufactures since 1976.  A Certified Woman Owned Business and owns RAPid Tooling Components™. For more information about Rentapen Inc., please call 262-542-8891.

Please visit Rentapen’s Youtube channel to watch a variety of educational and entertaining videos!



3D Models of Tooling Components Assists in Growth of Weld Fixture Design Company As New Part-Holding Tooling Pieces are Added.

Rentapen Inc., of Waukesha, WI, Continues to Expand the Number of Components and Product Parts Available for 3D-Model Download.

In January and March 2013, Rentapen Inc., a 3D CAD Design Company added several new components to its 3D-Model download web page, www.WeldFixtureComponents.com.

Rentapen Inc., offers a large custom line of RAPid Tooling Components™ that can be downloaded for free to help manufactures save time and money while designing and building their weld and assembly jigs and fixtures.  RAPid Tooling Components™ are a new American standard for the machine design Industry.

An alternative to NAAMS, Rentapen’s components along with the 3D models have changed how Machine Design Engineers and CAD Drafters design their weld fixtures.

 “In 2001 we discovered we, as weld fixture and assembly fixture designers, were designing the same parts over and over again.  So we realized if we standardized on those parts we could save our customers lots of time and costs.  So we created RAPid Tooling Components™,” said George Straley, Founder of Rentapen.

Rentapen Inc., has a total of 9 different types of RAPid Blocks™ that can be ordered to fit different tooling fixture needs.  In the beginning, customers would buy the RAPid Block™ and then if the block needed to be altered, they would place the part in their CNC or take it to another vendor. RAPid Blocks are often altered to add a hole in it to hold a locating pin or a rest pad or to chamfer a corner.   In 2011, Rentapen Inc., began to offer customized alterations to their RAPid Blocks™.

Rentapen Inc., manufactures each block as it is ordered.  This allows them to keep inventory low and provide a valuable service to their customers.  Rentapen Inc., will customize the RAPid Block™ per the customer’s specifications. “Need a chamfer? No Problem.  Need a hole for a locating pin?  No problem,” said Susan Straley, President of Rentapen.

Productuon Part Holding MachineryAll of Rentapen’s RAPid Tooling Components™ are made in the U.S.A. This is in line with Rentapen’s vision as the U.S. Leader in machine design and tooling components.  Rentapen is dedicated to reducing costs for manufacturers. And their free 3D service is greatly help manufacturers on their lean journey.

Rentapen Inc., is the weld fixture specialist, and is home of RAPid Tooling Component™s. Rentapen Inc. has been providing machine tool design services to manufactures since 1976.  A Certified Woman Owned Business and owns RAPid Tooling Components™. For more information Rentapen Inc., please call 262-542-8891 or visit http://www.rentapen.com.


Weld Fixture Tooling Company Filled A CAD Drafter Internship

Rentapen Inc., Located In Waukesha, WI Is Dedicated To Hiring CAD Drafters, Weld Fixture Machinist and Employees of All Ages.

On January 29, 2013 Rentapen Inc. filled a CAD Drafter Internship position with a young and experienced  student from Waukesha County Technical College. He is joining a CAD Drafting team made up of men and women of all ages.  Christopher Doll, has been a part of Rentapen Inc.’s, team since 2005 and is the Engineering Lead Designer and has a Masters of Science in Engineering from University-Wisconsin Milwaukee.

Design Fixtures and Jigs using Pro/E and Solidworks

According to The Social Liberian “There are eight different age generation categories.”  Rentapen Inc. the Weld Fixture Specialist, is currently employing four different age generations.

This local Waukesha, WI, company is employing generations as young as Generation Y (Born: 1977-1994) and as experienced as the Baby Boomer I Generation (Born: 1946-1954).

Rentapen Inc., has been in business since August 20, 1976 and has been able to stay in business through many different generations, but there is one key piece that holds this company together; they are excepting of all ages and are willing to teach their employees.  Have you ever heard the saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” in the case with Rentapen Inc. you can.  Every day the younger and older generations work side by side to reach a common goal; to build, design, and create the best weld fixture components in the manufacturing industry.

“I am in the Baby-Boom Generation and I am learning new things from the other team members all the time,” said Susan Straley, President of Rentapen.  “Just last week our staff was teaching me about our website and social media.”


Teach and Guide CAD Drafters and Interns

There are many conflicts in the manufacturing industry when it comes to generation differences.  Like any business today, conflicts can come from recruiting, building teams, the many different changes in a company, and different styles of management.  However, Rentapen Inc., is embracing the generations and changes; in their industry change is a good thing because it allows for growth, efficiencies, and cost savings.

The weld fixture specialist is excited for the growth of their line of RAPid Tooling Components™. With the different generations working together there has been an increase in the orders for RAPid Shims™ and the CAD Drafters in the office are busier than ever.

Rentapen Inc., is a Waukesha, Wisconsin based company that provides Weld Fixtures and 3D CAD models to manufacturers.  Since 1976, Rentapen Inc has consistently saved customers time and money.  Rentapen Inc., is a Certified Woman Owned Business and owns RAPid Tooling Components™.  For more information Rentapen Inc., please call 262-542-8891 or visit www.rentapen.com.



Another Big Year for Weld Fixture Tooling Components Company

Rentapen Inc. Sees Increase In Sales For Their Weld and Assembly Fixture Tooling Components in 2012

President, Susan Straley Featured With Weld Fixture

In January, 2013 Rentapen’s President Susan Straley sat down and calculated the numbers from 2011 to 2012.  The growth is a reflection of both an
interest in lean manufacturing and the increased speed at which manufacturers are trying to go from product development to production.

“Our components save time in the design, build and testing of weld jigs and assembly fixtures,” said Straley.  “That is what manufacturers are looking for, lean and fast.”

The year 2012 is over, but the increase and growth of Rentapen’s RAPid Tooling Components™ that are used in weld jigs and assembly fixtures is still something worth talking about.

“I knew we were busy, but with December’s numbers in, I was happy to see a growth of approximately 40 percent in the sales of RAPid Tooling Components™,” said Straley.

Rentapen’s RAPid Tooling Component collection is made up of Standard and Custom RAPid Blocks™, RAPid Plates™, Clamp Risers, and Shims.
These products precisely hold a customer’s product in their weld fixtures while it is being manually or robotically assembled or welded.

Rentapen introduced a new website feature in March, 2012 that has played a large role in the increase of sales for their RAPid Tooling Components.  3D Models of their components are available for
machine design engineers and CAD drafters to download and use in their 3D designs. Rentapen’s 3D model download process insures the customer’s order is as accurate as possible.
This ordering system is free to use, convenient, and time saving.



Milwaukee Area Machine Design Company Gets Big Order From Southern Company.

Rentapen Inc., Weld Fixture Specialists, lands large tooling
component order from machine builder and manufacturer in Tennessee.

In the beginning of January 2013, a machine tooling company
contacted Rentapen with a request for quote on a large order for weld tooling
components to be to be completed within twenty 20 working days.  Rentapen won the order and its team quickly
started the production process in order to complete the order on time.

The customer, located in Tennessee, has placed multiple
large orders with Rentapen in the past and continues to be a repeat customer.
The customer is in the Wood Household Furniture Industry and continues to be
successful in the industry with the help from Rentapen.

The anonymous company put in an order for both custom and
standard RAPid Tooling Components ™.

Rentapen’s weld tooling components are
made up of:

Adjustment Bocks; Mounting Blocks Mounting Plates;

Guiding Plates; Clamp Spacers; Clamp Risers;

Precision Adjustment Shims; and Die-Sharpening Shims.

These components work together in a weld or assembly fixture to
precisely hold product parts in place while they is being manually or
robotically assembled or welded.

“We are very pleased that this customer, who came to us with
their first order in 2012, has returned to us in 2013,” said Susan Straley,
President and Owner of Rentapen.  “We commonly
win repeat orders.  Once a customer sees
the quality and time-savings of our precision machine tool products, they are
usually return for more.”

Straley added that what is special about the customer from
Tennessee is their order is exceptionally large.

RAPid Tooling Components™ are made in the USA.  They were invented in 2002 when Rentapen’s
design team realized they were designing the same clamp risers, blocks and
plates over and over again. To help their customers reduce costs in the machine
tool design and build process, Rentapen developed their
standardized yet versatile line of weld fixture tooling components.

Manufacturers can download the 3D models from Rentapen’s
website, save the model to their purchased parts CAD library, and then place
the RAPid Tooling Components into their weld or assembly fixture designs. This
approximately takes 4 minute to complete in full.

“Quality and on-time delivery is of utmost importance at
Rentapen,” said Straley, “When a customer such as the one in Tennessee is
satisfied with their order there is a greater chance they will reorder in the

6-Questions RE: Locating Pins in Weld Fixture Design


In weld fixture design we often use the holes in the product for locating the product part in the fixture.  What do you  think designers should ask when considering pinning a hole?

Welded Product Parts With Critical Dimensions Tween the Holes



The location of the hole in one product part can be precisely located in relation to the other product parts it is being welded to.  This is done by using the right design methods.



Major design difficulties can occur if some questions are not addressed before starting the 3D modeling process.

What do you  think designers should ask when considering pinning a hole?

What comes to mind for me is:

1) Is the hole location critical to the other parts it is welded to?  If it isn’t it doesn’t mean I WON’T pin the hole, just that maybe I can use a looser tolerance between the pin and the hole diameters, and I won’t need to use an adjustment shim pack to fine tune the locations of the pin.

2) Will you be able to get the product out of the fixture if you pin the hole?   Or, do you have to remove the pin before you are able to remove the product from the fixture?  We will be going over how to use a straight action clamp in weld fixture design for removing a pin in future blogs.

3) Are there other holes in that same product part that are pinned?  You need to take care here because you need to understand that there will be tolerance issues between the holes.  Yet , two holes makes it easy to locate the part at just the right angle.

4) Will you need to rough locate the part before it is pinned so that it is easier and faster for the pin to find the hole, or the hole to find the pin?

Rough Locator

Pink Rough Locator helps position the Product Part


For example, The product parts are dark gray.  In this picture, the pink round part is a rough locator, along with other locators it gets the product part in close proximity to perfect.  Then the removable purple pin with the help of a straight action clamp moves into place to hold the part in the perfect place while it is being welded.

5) Will you use a shoulder pin that can also act like a rest pad?

Shoulder Pins Can Be used as Rest Pads.


In this picture the left pin is a shoulder pin.  The product plate (in dark gray) rests on the shoulder.  The yellow part underneath it is a metal precision shim pack.



6) How will you prevent weld splatter from making the pin get stuck or welded into the hole?

As you see in the picture, the pins have chamfers on the ends where they protrude through the product plate.  The pins should be harder than the material you are welding.  That makes them last longer in the fixture and reduces the likelihood that the weld splatter will stick to them.  The material of the pin depends on the material you are welding.   In some instances you will need to add guards or shields to protect the pin from the weld splatter.  There is also a protective coating that can be added to protect the pin from the weld splatter sticking to it.

Did I miss some questions?  What else would you consider?

Please share this with a manufacturing engineer or machine builder that you know. We always can learn from the welders, assemblers, machinists and managers who work with our designs every day.

Susan Straley, Queen of Lean Machine Design at Rentapen

Susan Straley
Queen of Lean Machine Design


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