In machine design there are fundamental rules to follow when locating fasteners. I remember taking drafting classes but I was taught the basics of holes and hole locating only after I started working for Rentapen many years ago.
Mr. Iyer commented on the blog last time that I didn’t talk about construction holes for locating the angled cut on the v-block. He is right! So this video talks construction holes. I just want to add that in the video I put in .313″ construction hole. Looking back at it, a .25″ would have been better for this small part.
Also the video today talks about a major rule of thumb for locating mounting holes.
Mr. Iyer’s comment talked about using a plane that goes from the construction hole to the dowel hole that was zero/zero in the other surface. If this helps, where should I locate the other zero that is normal to that one. Also at the original surface dowel?
Remember, nothing is written in stone here. So if you know a better way or your company does it differently, share that with us in the comment section below! Are there other rules of thumb you can share?
A reader of this blog, Marvin Davis, has shared with us some links to other free education. It doesn’t appear that any of them are on machine design, but some are on computers and math and so might be of interest to you. I am sharing the list below. But before you leave us to surf and learn, be sure to sign up for Rentapen news and updates on the right side of this page. Then you will be notified of the next Weld Fixture Design 101 blog.
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