Custom Cut Metal Parts

What would YOU cut if you could cut through up to 1″ steel?

It’s getting toward the holiday’s so let’s have some fun.  I want to know what metal shape would you cut if you had a 4000 watt laser available to you?

Take a look at slide show and see some ways that we at Rentapen have used the laser to create custom cut metal parts, etched marble and plastic, and made some tools.

Now it is YOUR turn.  What would you have or what have you had custom cut?  If you have a picture, send it to me at news at rentapen dot com.  If it is ok, I would like to share the pictures in a future blog.

When you are done sharing your metal cut parts stories and pictures, then relax with a couple more fun promotional videos I got from Fiverr!


Meet Bethany Kratz, Our Lady of the Laser at Rentapen.

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About rentapen

Susan Straley, aka Queen of Lean Machine Design, is the President of Rentapen Inc. in Waukesha, WI. She helps manufacturers reduce costs through excellence in 3d desing services, RAPid Tooling Components(TM), and Just-in-Time Laser Cutting Services(TM). Susan can be reached directly at 262-542-8891.

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